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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – October 18, 2017

Wednesday Folder – October 18, 2017

Carnival Is Coming!

Friday, October 27th, 5-8pm

We need volunteers!! Please take a minute to sign up to work a shift in a game booth! (Sign up sheets are on big purple posters in each grade level hallway- 2nd grade is at the top of the stairs near the office.) If you can’t make it to the school, please contact your child’s teacher and ask them to sign you up. We’d hate to have to close some of our booths due to lack of volunteers, so please sign up!

We are also still looking for some Lighting Crew helpers the night before Carnival, Heavy Lifting the day of, and Clean up helpers that night. If you are able to help with any of these special needs, please contact Toni Wakefield at

Donations Needed for Carnival!

Are you stepping on action figures in the middle of the night?
Finding it hard to close the toy trunk with all those stuffed animals?
Tired of the growing collection of post-party goodie bag chotchkies accumulating on your countertops?

Well here’s the answer to your kid-cluttered household quandary…


HOW? Boxes for donations are outside the office. Please bring donations by this Friday, Oct. 20th if possible.

Online Reading Resources

Ms. Underwood has put together a great list of online reading resources our students have access to. Check it out in your Wednesday Folder or in the attachments below.

Check out grade level blogs!

PreK has been learning about Families, 1st Grade studying evaporation, 2nd grade writing personal narratives and biographies, 3rd grade starting a Hispanic Heritage PBL, and 4th grade practicing multiplication and division. This is just a small sampling of the creative learning our Thunderbirds are doing. You can read about it all on our grade level blogs (under the Classrooms section of the website). While you’re there, be sure to sign up to receive notices whenever a new post is made for your child’s grade.

Did You Know?

The THES Parent Handbook is online? There’s all sorts of helpful info. in there regarding Attendance rules, Homework, Parent Conferences and much, much more. Check it out at:

Dual Language Benefit Dinner- Saturday November 11th

Travis Heights Elementary School parents, Molly & John Cain would like to invite you to a casual but elegant dinner in their garden under their live oak trees and roaming chickens. Our event is a fundraiser in support of the THES Dual Language Program. Enjoy a delicious, 3 course meal prepared by Chef John Cain, while having a fun, kid-free evening with THES friends, teachers and families. Proceeds from this event will support the growth and continuation of the Dual Language program across all grades.

Please see the attached flyer for more details and RSVP information.

AISD Bond Election

AISD Bond Election is Nov. 7, 2017. There is a letter from AISD superintendent in the weekly pdf below, to find out more go to this website:

3rd-5th Grade Save the Date!

Family Fun and Fitness Day for 3-5th grades is Friday, November 17th!

Coffee Chat on Friday, 8am!
Topic: Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)

This week’s folder items:


Library Online Resources
Carnival Volunteers
Stay Connected
Dual Language Benefit Dinner
SoCo Pumpkin Patch
AISD Bond Election

Read the efolder 10-18-17

Upcoming Events

  • Sep 16
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 1

    Time: 12:00 pm-12:30 pm


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

  • Sep 17
    Home Slice Pizza Profit Share Day

    Time: 11:00 am-11:00 pm

    Location: Home Slice Pizza, 1415 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, USA


    Get Home Slice pizza today and support our school! 

    The profit share applies all day and includes dine in, take out, and 3rd party deliveries.

  • Sep 18
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 2

    Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign, and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
