Travis Heights Elementary is an in-district charter and Title 1 school, offering a renowned Dual Language program and traditions that date back to the 1950s. The PTA and local businesses have been instrumental in helping the school maintain its traditions, foster cultural diversity, and build community.
As district funding changes from year to year, support from local business partners is critical to providing money for school supplies, professional development, building repairs, family food pantry and community events.
Our Thunderbirds thank you for your support!
Sponsorship levels
Champion – gifts or in-kind donations of $2,500 and above
- Logo and recognition in Yearbook
- Company name listed on back of student-designed school T-Shirt (over 500 distributed)
- Your business/organization on printed banners displayed at the school campus
- All of the applicable benefits of other sponsorship levels noted below
Leader – gifts or in-kind donations of $1,000
- Recognition as a Business Partner on a special flier sent to every family at Travis Heights
- Company name and logo featured below, with link to business
- All of the applicable benefits of other sponsorship levels noted below
Friend – gifts or in-kind donations of $250
- Business @mentioned on Travis Heights Elementary Facebook Page
- Business recognized in internal school communications
Please donate online at
You can contribute to a specific area or contributions can be put in a general fund and applied to where the need is greatest.
Set it and forget it! Gifts can be set up as monthly recurring donations. We would estimate the yearly contribution and assign your business to the corresponding sponsorship level.
Refer a business partner
Do you know about a local business that would like to donate to THES? Let us know!
We thank you for your generosity and support.