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Your involvement matters! From working with students, to beautifying the grounds, to fundraising, to supporting events, our school would not be the special place it is without YOUR help. There are many ways to get involved. Fill out this form and we’ll connect you with opportunities.

Volunteer Form

If you would like to serve as a field trip chaperone for your child’s class, please contact your child’s teacher directly.

Annual Background Check

Volunteers must request a background check every school year. This includes Field Trip Chaperones and SchoolPool carpool program participants!

This process can take a couple of weeks, especially at the beginning of the school year, so submit yours early!

Note: Background checks do not check immigration status & information is not shared with other agencies.

REGISTER NOW using the new process through VOLY at

Confidentiality Agreement

All volunteers must also sign an AISD Confidentiality Agreement. Pick one up at the office or from your child’s teacher or Download one here English or Spanish.

If you have questions or concerns about the Background Check process or need assistance in completing the online form, please contact the Parent Support Specialist (414-4495).

Ongoing Opportunities

Volunteer Lunch Monitors

Lunch monitor from 11:00am until 1:00pm.

Assisting Students

Help is always needed leading learning groups, reading with kids, tutoring, and assisting with special projects in the classrooms.

Workroom Helpers

Help make copies, laminate, make die cuts, or prepare materials for teachers or the office

Library Helpers

Shelving books- Drop in anytime and shelve a few books, every little bit helps!


Help keep THES looking great by sharing your gardening talents.


Help to translate letters, flyers, forms and emails.

Staff Appreciation

Volunteers are needed to help with organizing events to show our teachers and staff how much their hard work means!

Technical Support

Help with database or website maintenance and other technical needs

Sign up here to help with these ongoing needs:

Ongoing Volunteer Form

