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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – February 1, 2017

Wednesday Folder – February 1, 2017

Greetings Thunderbirds!

Soooo… Do you notice anything different? Do we look a little fresher today? Perhaps a little younger around the eyes? A little less sag along the jawline?

That’s right! The THES Website has gotten a facelift! 😉

It was a long time coming and wouldn’t have happened without some serious dedication from Ms. Mary Friedman, Ms. Julie Ulrich, and Ms. Kelly Guerra. These ladies researched, typed, edited, and organized the heck out of all this information that we are now presenting you. So the next time you see them – give them a high five or an appreciation pump! 💪 💪 💪

Along with the newly updated design and content, we’ve added some new features. Here is a quick rundown of some of the changes that have already happened.

  • A newly designed home page that is no longer just a list of blog posts but provides quick access to different important information.
  • A new type of translation – using Google’s automatic translation software. We chose to go this route as it not only allows us to provide the site in Spanish but also Arabic, Pashto and Persian as well, so now we can communicate with our entire school population. If you know of a language used in our school that is not available currently on the site let us know and we can add it.
  • The ability to like posts. See that heart at the top of this post? Now you can provide us with a little feedback – if you think a post is helpful or you simply like the post. You can click that heart and turn it red. Here is a fun thing to do – head over to the Thundernews Student Blog and turn all their little hearts red. It will thrill the photojournalism team!
  • New grade level pages that each grade level will post to on a monthly basis (perhaps more but monthly is the minimum) so that the parents can learn more about what is going on in their child’s grade.

We will be adding a few more features to the site as we continue updating everything. I will send out announcements and updates as they happen. I hope y’all like the new site and please send me any feedback, from comments about wonky things you see or edits that need to happen to anything else that you think of, to communications @

OK, back to our regularly scheduled program…

Teacher of the Year 🏆

Congratulations to 2nd grade teacher, Ms. Torrez for being named Travis Heights’ Teacher of the Year! Awesome work!

Young Writers’ Workshop 📝

Next Tuesday, February 7th is our 21st annual Young Writers’ Workshop. At this beloved THES tradition, upper grade students will each have the opportunity to attend workshops with two local writers. Check out the attached list to see the awesome session topics!

While the upper grades are writing, our PK-2nd graders will experience a performance by Ground Work Music Project.

Volunteers are still needed both Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning to help this event run smoothly. Please sign up here: Volunteer Opportunities

📢 Our Students need your Voice!!

Please mark Monday, Feb. 27th on your calendar for Texas PTA’s Rally Day at the Capitol. We would love to have a big group from THES participate- see the flyer for details! Also check out these links:

Last Tour next Monday!

Do you know any families who would make a great addition to the Thunderbird community? Encourage them to attend this tour to learn more about our awesome school! Monday, February 6th at 8am.

I THES is coming!

February 13-17th is the PTA’s annual fundraiser which supports both PTA events and helps to fund school programs. Details are coming next week, but please start thinking about how you can help to support Travis Height’s awesome educational programs.

Science Fair Results! 🔬

Travis Heights had 56 young scientists participate in the 2017 Science Fair. Check out the list of students who placed and their winning entries here! And a big Appreciation Pump! for Ms. Penney for all her hard work in making the Science Fair happen.


  • Flowers for Friends starts today! Flowers are $1.50 each and will be delivered on February 10th.
  • Six Flags Read to Succeed Logs are due next Wednesday 2/8. Turn them in to Ms.Underwood to get your free ticket!
  • The 2016-17 Parent Survey is now available online. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and let the district know how Travis Heights is doing.

Volunteer Corner

Spanish-speaking computer teachers needed!
Our Parent Support Specialist is looking for volunteers to help with classes for parents. Basic computer class in Spanish: The program will last 2 months and it is held two times a week for 2 hours in the morning. The volunteer would take a course to learn how to teach this program.

If you know anyone who might be interested in helping with these, please pass the info along and/or contact: Daniela Licona – daniela.licona @

Carnival Captains Wanted!
A THES tradition since the 1940s, Fall Carnival is a night filled with games, food, and fun, all while raising money to support our school! Help us keep this awesome tradition alive by volunteering as Carnival Co-Coordinator. Duties include supervising teams of volunteers to organize games/booths, provide publicity, recruit volunteers and arrange for logistics at the event. Captains are also needed for Carnival teams- Booths, Publicity, Setup/Cleanup, Volunteers, Supplies, and Sponsorship. For more information, please contact: volunteers @ travisheightselementary . com

This week’s folder items:


Young Writers’ Workshop
PTA Rally Day
Letter from the nurse
4th & 5th Grade Performance
English Classes

Read the efolder for 02-01-17

Upcoming Events

Nothing from July 27, 2024 to August 10, 2024.

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
