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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – May 4, 2016

Wednesday Folder – May 4, 2016


Happy Star Wars Day!

Hope you all had a blast last night! What a fun event and it was great seeing you all there! Now that the Guero’s celebration is over, the finish line for this school year is fast approaching! I’m having a hard time believing it is almost here again!

Have you Appreciated your Teacher?

All week long there have been daily shows of appreciation for you special teacher. Here are the items for Thursday and Friday.

Thursday (5/5): Today we celebrate all the other teachers and staff that enrich our experience at THES! Give a big thanks, card or treat to our specials teachers (art, PE,
music, media), teachers aides, reading specialists, special education/resource, counselor, administrators, librarian, speech, language, parent specialist…if someone has made a difference for you and your child, be sure to let them know!

Friday (5/6): Bring one flower (garden, wild, store bought, drawn on paper) to school on Friday to create a classroom bouquet for your teacher.

Campus Closed for STAAR next week

STAAR is May 9, 10 & 11 and as such there will be no parent lunches so that there is little disruption for the kiddos. Thanks for your cooperation!

THES Students Blog!

There is a new photojournalism team at our school. These 3rd, 4th & 5th graders will be working hard next year to document all the special things that happen at our school. They are just beginning their work but do have a couple posts for you all to see. You can follow them on the ThunderNews Blog.

Our Community Needs You!

We need your support for our school! Travis Heights PTA and Austin Interfaith are holding a Community Action meeting on May 18th at 7:15pm at the gym. What’s a Community Action Meeting? This is a chance for our community to meet with elected officials from the city council and school board to ask for their support on issues that are impacting our school and neighborhood. Topics to be discussed include: affordable housing in our attendance zone, funding for the school (including Primetime and our Parent Support Specialist), and Alcohol sales near schools. If you care about any of these issues, please plan to attend. Your presence can make a difference!

Fliers section has moved

It has come to my attention that the flier links are easily overlooked in their location below the calendar. So I am moving them above the calendar so they are more visible and I’ve renamed the header from Information to Fliers. Hopefully this will help. Let me know what you think! You can email me at communications @ travisheightselementary .com with any thoughts, ideas and feedback. I love to hear from you all!

Speaking of have you filled out the Website Survey yet? If not please do – we will be moving forward with some new updates on the site this spring/summer and want to make sure that we are serving you to the best of our ability.

Fill out the survey now

Volunteer Corner

Help Save Fall Carnival!
A THES tradition since the 1950s, Fall Carnival is a night filled with games, food, and fun, all while raising money to support our school! Help us keep this awesome tradition alive by volunteering as Carnival Coordinator or Co-Coordinator. Duties include supervising teams of volunteers to organize games/booths, provide publicity, recruit volunteers and arrange for logistics at the event. These teams all need volunteers as well. We’d hate to see this beloved tradition disappear due to lack of leadership- Please Volunteer!

PTA Fundraising Team
Running a school as awesome as ours takes lots of money. One of the PTA roles is to support the innovative educational programs at Travis Heights. The stronger our fundraising efforts are, the more support we can give. We are looking for a volunteers for our fundraising team as well as a Fundraising Chair. It will be an exciting year as we look for creative ways to ensure the future of our Blended Learning/Technology program. Please share your talents with this team so we can support our awesome teachers and programs and keep THES Rocking!

To find our more, please contact
Click here, to see other current needs.

Austin Emergency Center Logo

Wellness Wednesday from Austin Emergency Center

Austin Emergency Center will be providing useful heath information and tips in our efolder on most Wednesdays. Thank you Austin Emergency Center!

Today click on the link below and you can learn about exercising safely.

Wellness Wednesday from Austin Emergency Center – Fitness Safety

This week’s folder items:


THES Newsletter

Community Action Meeting

Garage Sale

Box Tops Due

Coffee Chat

Upcoming Events

May 5, 2016
1st Grade Field Trip

Thunderboard Meeting
Time: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm
Meetings open to all.

May 6, 2016
2nd-5th Assembly/ STAAR Pep Rally
Time: 7:35 am-8:00 am

Coffee Chat- Wellness
Time: 8:00 am-9:00 am

May 6, 2016
PTA Executive Board Meeting
Time: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm

May 9, 2016
STAAR 3rd & 4th Math
STAAR 5th Math Retake

May 10, 2016
STAAR 3rd & 4th Reading

May 10, 2016
STAAR 5th Reading retake

May 11, 2016
STAAR 5th Science

May 12, 2016
STAAR Makeups

May 13, 2016
STAAR Makeups

Box Tops Due

5th Grade Field Trip

PreK-1st Assembly
Time: 7:35 am-8:00 am

May 14, 2016
Garage Sale- Sponsored by 4th Grade
Time: 7:00 am-2:00 pm

May 16, 2016
4th & 5th Field Trip

1st Grade Swimming Starts

May 17, 2016
PK Field Trip

May 18, 2016
Family Fun & Fitness PK-2nd
Time: 8:00 am-12:30 pm

Travis Heights Community Action Meeting
Time: 7:15 pm-8:15 pm

May 20, 2016
2nd-5th Assembly
Time: 7:35 am-8:00 am

Family Fun & Fitness 3rd-5th
Time: 8:00 am-11:00 am

May 23, 2016
4th Grade Field Trip

3rd Grade Awards
Time: 8:00 am-9:00 am

May 25, 2016
Young Artist Workshop

May 26, 2016
Kinder Awards
Time: 8:00 am-9:00 am

1st Grade Awards
Time: 9:00 am-10:00 am

May 26, 2016
2nd Grade Awards
Time: 10:00 am-11:00 am

May 27, 2016
No School; Bad Weather Makeup day

May 30, 2016
No School- Memorial Day

May 31, 2016
1st Grade End of Year Party

May 31, 2016
4th Grade Awards
Time: 8:00 am-9:00 am

June 1, 2016
Last Day of School!

Kinder End of Year Party

2nd End of Year Party

5th Grade Awards and Continuation

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
