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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > Wednesday Folders > Wednesday Folder – Jan. 29, 2014

Wednesday Folder – Jan. 29, 2014

Happy Wednesday All.

I hope you all enjoyed your “Snow” Days. I loved seeing all the pictures of the teeny tiny snowmen that were made on Friday. I guess snowmen are the only thing not bigger in Texas.

There are some exciting and important flyers in today’s folder so be sure to click on all the links to see everything. (I know you always do anyway, right!)

Take care and stay warm!

Applications for Dual Language are now available.
You can learn more on our Dual Language Page.
Applications are due February 21, 2014.

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page and archive page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!


This week’s folder items:

Happening this Friday (tomorrow):

Principal’s Coffee Chat
This month’s chat is on our TEA ratings and Ms. Robertson will share info about accountability ratings, etc. Of course, there’s always time for Q&A of other school-related matters…and coffee. Meet in the cafeteria at 8:00 a.m.

Happening in the future:

February 1, 2014: I Travis Heights Elementary No Hassle Fundraiser

It is time to show your school some love! The I THES Fundraiser kicks off on Feb. 1, 2014!

Our goal is to reach $10,000 and we can only do that if everyone participates!

Please spread the word to friends and family – you can download and send them the flyer or use the one your received in your paper folder. The donation slips are on the back. We also have an online donation form that you can use as well (choose I THES in the drop down menu).

We ask that every family donates a minimum of $10 but any donation is appreciated no matter the size. Any donation over $75 will receive a special THES gift.

Don’t wait for the official launch day donate online today!

February 6, 2014: Breakfast Discussion about your family and Travis Heights Elementary

We are creating a short documentary film that showcases what is so unique and wonderful about this school. But we already know the answer – it’s people like you!
Please share with us your stories of how this school affects your family’s life. The answers we get from this simple question will form the script for the video.

Karen Bernstein will lead the discussion on why this school is important for your family.

Thursday, February 6, 7:45 AM
Location – Cafeteria.
Coffee and breakfast foods will be served!


Flood Safety Poster Contest

I THES Donation Form

Woodland Exit Closure Information

February Lunch Menu

Six Flags Read to Succeed

South Austin Baseball
