Sorry we are a little tardy on this week’s email – so much going on! Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we hope you are able to enjoy a little bit of rest and relaxation over your holiday break next week. Please stay safe and give thanks for all of the good things in your life. We are thankful for you, Thunderbirds!
AISD will partner with the Central Texas Food Bank to provide access to healthy food while campuses are closed for the Thanksgiving break. Curbside meal sites will serve free seven-day meal packs prior to the break on Thursday, November 19.
Families may pick up an additional seven-days worth of meals at the Food Bank’s mass distribution event on Monday, November, 23 from 9am – noon at the Toney Burger Stadium, 3200 Jones Road, Austin, TX 78745 (entrance is located on the north side of the facility, off the eastbound Hwy 290 frontage road)
In addition to the seven-day meal packs, the Central Texas Food Bank will provide attendees with an assortment of food items including protein, produce and dairy products.
Seven-day meal packs are free for any child younger than 19 as well as those older than 19 who utilize special education resources or who are enrolled in school to complete the requirements for a high school diploma. Parents or caregivers may receive seven-day meal packs without children present by providing documentation (e.g., birth certificate, student ID card, report card, attendance record) at the point of meal service. Meals feature foods that are cooked and prepared by staff in AISD kitchens. The healthy meals include protein, grains, fruits, vegetables and milk. Seven-day meal pack components will be chilled and served cold to be taken home and reheated. AISD will resume weekly seven-day meal pack distribution at curbside meal sites on Thursday, December. 3. Meals are available until all packages are distributed. Questions or comments can be sent to the Food & Nutrition Services interest area on Let’s Talk.
Thursday, November 19, 6pm (Spanish)
Thursday, December 10, 6pm (English)
Did you know that your student has the opportunity to be bilingual, bi-literate and bicultural? Austin ISD is proud to offer multiple, innovative dual language and multilingual programs in the district. AISD will be hosting one-hour virtual sessions in both Spanish and English for families to learn more about various language programs offered by AISD. Interpretation will be available upon request for both sessions.The sessions will go over a some frequently asked questions that families have about our bilingual program, such as:
- What does the Dual Language program look like in AISD?
- What can parents and caregivers expect?
- What does it look like when your child is developing literacy in two languages?
- What questions do I ask about my child’s bilingual program so that I may support my child and the school?
The purpose of the session is to educate parents and students on bilingual programs and encourage students to take bilingual programs
Please visit this site to register for the virtual session.
Friday, November 20, 10am
Join Principal Navarro for coffee and campus updates. This brief meeting will include the current status of our reopening and any important Information going forward. There will also be an opportunity for Q & A.
Meeting ID: 964 7623 2276
Passcode: joinus
Friday, December 4th, 10am
Please join us for our parent coffee – our topic will be teaching our children empathy. This lifelong skill helps us in our relationships with our families, our peers and the community at large. This dialogue will help us help our children to understand and recognize feelings of others and what we have in common with others .
Meeting ID: 964 7623 2276
Passcode: joinus
Thursday, December 10, 11:30am
Tuesday, December 15, 6pm
Travis Heights Elementary is a proud, community led In-District Charter School. Meeting and hearing from our current families are the best way to share great news about our school. We have exciting events coming up that we would love for you to invite your friends, neighbors, or coworkers to attend and learn more about THES. Join us for our first ‘Virtual Campus Tour’ through Zoom. No RSVP is needed to attend any of these events. Enjoy a cup of coffee, visit with friends, neighbors and school leaders as you learn about and take a virtual tour through Travis Heights Elementary!
Parent Tour Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 987 7604 3856
Passcode: welcome
Friday, December 11, 10am
Join us for an informational session to learn more about dyslexia, its warning signs, and what you can do to help a struggling reader learn to read and thrive in school and life! Ms. Maupin, our school reading specialist, will share characteristics of dyslexia and how you can request support for your students if you are concerned with their reading. Stay tuned for the ZOOM link to join!
Goal of Testing: Implement an equitable approach to deploying an estimated 14,500 monthly rapid COVID-19 antigen tests provided, from TEA and TDEM, to increase safety and learning/working in-person for students and staff.
Assumptions: This test is free for all AISD students and staff, and will be implemented in phases. Participation in being tested is voluntary and cannot be mandated by the school district. BinaxNOW rapid COVID-19 antigen testing (nasal swab) is only for staff and students that are learning/working in-person. Older students (7th grade and above) and adults have the ability to self-administer the test in the presence of a testing administrator.
Please see THIS FLYER for more info!
Coats for Kids, sponsored by the Junior League of Austin and in collaboration with Austin ISD is so excited for the 2020-21 school year! Because of COVID-19, Coats for Kids will be delivering hand-selected coats to students at their AISD campus in December. This year, Coats for Kids is not requiring proof of age or income for eligibility; however, please provide this information for demographic and reporting purposes.
Please fill out THIS FORM to receive a coat.
In Austin ISD, we are committed to building transformational relationships that lead to a sense of trust and belonging for all. We welcome the opportunity to hear the stories that make AISD feel like home! Please help us recognize our dedicated staff members by submitting a RAVE. The Recognizing All Valuable Employees or RAVE Program was created to honor those who take the extra steps to provide equitable and exceptional experiences.If you had an exceptional experience interacting with an Austin ISD employee , please nominate that staff member by completing the form below. RAVE about someone who has served you well!
Calling all who are able to give more this holiday season! Each year, Operation Thunderjoy collects meaningful holiday gifts for the 50 Thunderbird families most in need. In past years, items such as clothes, shoes, large grocery gift cards, beloved toys, bikes… even necessities such as prescription glasses, beds, A/C units and extermination services were donated.
This year, the pandemic is making personalized gift requests and collection tougher, but we’re still determined to bring joy to the lives of those who need it most. We’ll make it work primarily via gift cards or products that are more universally needed.
Can you — or people/companies in your network — dig deep and pitch in? We are seeking gift cards or donations in the following categories:
- Grocery / Food / Accessible Dining
- Big Box Store (Walmart/Target)
- Clothing / Shoes / Outerwear
- Hygiene Products
- Books / Educational Toys/Games
- Gas Cards (Shell / Chevron)
- Cash (for more specific needs)
To donate, or find more info please visit: https://www.travisheightselementary.com/operation-thunderjoy/
Austin ISD is proud to offer a choice between remote learning and face-to-face instruction for the 2020-21 school year. The timeline for switching from one instructional model to another is as follows: Transitioning from on-campus learning to remote off-campus learning will occur when a student/parent or guardian chooses to do so.
Transitioning from remote off-campus learning to on-campus learning will occur as soon as possible, but not to exceed five school days. The next request will occur at the beginning of the next grading period. For more info, please visit https://www.austinisd.org/openforlearning
As a reminder, if you are coming to campus, please be sure to bring your masks. We have masks here but invite parents to send students with a mask and also a back up mask. Thank you!
- Download the AISD App today for iPhone and Android.
- Keep up with what’s happening in the District by watching this week’s AISD in 3.
- Visit Austin ISD’s Community Learning Spaces webpage.
- BLEND is Austin ISD’s online learning platform. Tutorials are available in English and Spanish.
- Austin ISD is now offering free seven day meal packs at curbside sites.
- Follow Austin ISD on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Austin ISD knows the value of high-quality after-school learning opportunities. After-School programs provide students with safe, enriching and structured learning environments. To support Austin families and staff, a variety of afterschool programs are available. Please note this list is not comprehensive and some programs may only accept students from certain schools. For more information on the various after-school offerings and enrollment requirements, please visit the following websites or reach out to your campus.
Boys and Girls Club of the Austin Area
Circle C Child Development Center
Twilight Evening School Program
FREE COVID-19 Testing is available through Austin Public Health (APH). COVID-19 testing is recommended for those who have COVID-19-related symptoms, have had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, and have traveled in the last 14 days
Staff and students can schedule free testing by using THIS LINK.
View APH testing site locations HERE.
Free COVID-19 Testing Information Flyer