Greetings Thunderbirds,
Hope this message finds all our students and families doing well. At our house, we have really settled into the “virtual groove” and I think it’s going pretty well. Nothing is without an occasional hiccup, but I am super impressed with the efforts of not only our teachers and staff but the kids as well. Thunderbirds are a resilient bunch!
This week, PTA is holding a virtual PTA Membership Drive. Since we can’t physically be there at the school harassing you to join, we are doing it all online. We just want to let you know that joining PTA is THE BEST way to show your support for Travis Heights Elementary. By joining, you are sending a message to people at the local, state, and national level that you have a vested interest in your school and all the funding, legislation, etc. that goes along with that.
Here at home, Travis Heights Elementary PTA works directly with the school to provide much-needed funding for programs and materials that the District simply can’t or won’t supply. On a practical level, we are supplying touchless thermometers and disinfecting supplies for the safety of all those returning to school. On the inspirational level, we fund Project-Based Learning and other programs that help EVERY Thunderbird grow into a well-rounded individual.
So please, take a minute to JOIN TODAY!
While there, please consider making an additional donation to the PTA so that we can fund the many programs we bring for all Thunderbirds. This year, fundraising will look very different than it has in the past and some of our best opportunities may be missed, so every dollar helps.
Stay safe Thunderbirds and I look forward to “seeing” you all soon. For the time being, please watch this short video I made for YOU!
Merrideth Jiles
PTA President
Thunderbirds united,
faithful, strong and true.
Thunderbirds united,
good at all we do.
Boys and girls together,
Cheerful, brave, and bright!
Here’s to the red!
Here’s to the white!
Here’s to Travis Heights!
First of all, it is important to note that Austin ISD will continue to offer a 100% virtual learning option for as long as the Texas Education Agency (TEA) allows us to do so. As a public education entity, we must provide on-campus learning to anyone who desires to return in-person. At Austin ISD, we are committed to doing this in the safest way possible for our students, staff, and families following the guidance of Austin Public Health.
Therefore, beginning October 5, our campuses will begin this phase-in process with 25% capacity on all of our campuses. Additional details regarding the district’s reopening plan can be found HERE:
The Travis Heights Campus Reopening Plan represents our most current thinking and is still a work in progress. We have solicited feedback from the Travis Heights Safety Committee and AISD District Division of Operations.
Please read through the plan and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your willingness to follow the procedures and expectations during these times. We look forward to working with you to ensure your students have the best educational experience possible.
*parents/caretakers must wait with students at bus stops*
Austin ISD is committed to providing safe, reliable transportation to our students. We are implementing protocols that all families who qualify for bus transportation should know if they plan on using this service. The full plan for our bus-riding families can be found on the Open for Learning Plan Version 4.
Below are highlights of this communication. You can also visit: https://www.austinisd.org/transportation/policy
- update your parent contact information in Parent Cloud.
- take your child’s temperature each morning and don’t send students to school if they are sick, have symptoms, or have a temperature at 100.0 or greater.
- prior to boarding the bus each student’s temperature will be checked with a touchless thermometer.
- accompany students to the bus stop and school in case your child registers a temperature greater than 100.0.
- If a child has a temp 100.0 plus they will be sent home with their parents.
- Masks are required on all AISD buses
- To reduce virus exposure on buses, we encourage families to drop off or walk with their students to school.
- Bus drivers will wear personal protective equipment including masks, gloves, and face shields to be used during temperature screenings.
- All buses will have hand sanitizer and will be disinfected regularly.
- Seating will be one student per seat with the seat behind the driver closed for social distancing.
Friday, October 2, 10am
Join Principal Navarro for coffee and campus updates. This brief meeting will go over the current status of our reopening and any important Information going forward. There will also be an opportunity for Q & A.
Meeting ID: 858 0812 4336
Passcode: xKqwR4
This document is an agreement made by parents, students, teachers, and administrators as to how we will work together this year to meet school standards. You are required to read, sign, and return this document to your teacher. Please download the PDF below or pick up a copy in the office, or with your child’s teacher. Title1Compact.2020
This plan outlines expectations for student behavior, dress code, and positive support systems implemented at Travis Heights Elementary. Please take a minute and read through these important guidelines: Culture and Climate Plan 2020-2021 (1)
Our goal is to develop lifelong leaders and learners. Helping students become scholars is a responsibility shared between students, parents, and teachers. Learning is expected for every child, every day. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the 20-21 Handbook.
As a parent of a student at THES, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers and teacher assistants who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teachers and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner if you ask for it. Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teaching staff:
- Whether the State of Texas has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and subjects he or she teaches
- Whether the State of Texas has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances
- The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degrees
- Whether any teachers’ aides or similar paraprofessionals provide services to your child, and if they do, their qualifications
The window for Kinder-5th grade Gifted & Talented (GT) testing is open until October 2nd, 2020. Please note: There will only be 1 “testing” time this fall. Data collected last year and AT HOME projects will be completed to qualify for Gifted & Talented Services! If you have a student that you believe possesses GT traits, please contact Mrs. Underwood to fill out a nomination form ASAP! julie.underwood@austinisd.org
Find out more HERE!
Virtual PrimeTime is back for the Fall. Classes take place after school from 3:15 – 4:15pm. Students will be assigned to one class based on availability, and good behavior is expected as Prime Time classes are a true privilege. Classes include: Coding, Music, Dance, Yoga, Storytime and so much more! Registration is available through the parent portal.
Log on: https://my.austinisd.org/
Search for Prime Time
Did you know that each year THES works with our amazing community to bring holiday joy to the Thunderbird families who need it most? Through Operation Thunderjoy our Parent Support Specialist collects wishlists while parent volunteers find donors to make these holiday gift packages doable! Each year ThunderJoy selects 50 families to sponsor for the holiday. Students may be nominated through a teacher or THES staff or families may request to be sponsored. Nominations and requests do not automatically mean acceptance. The team must review selections. To better serve more families, we will select families who have not received assistance in the past.
If you have any questions or you would like to volunteer to assist with organizing Operation Thunderjoy, please contact our PSS Ms. Sura Jasim at 512.841.0855 or email at sura.jasim@austinisd.org.
If you still have library books from last year, you can drop them off any day on the front of the school in the box labeled library books. We’d really love to get all our books back so we can check them in and have them cleaned and ready for student use later this year. Look in your backpacks, under your beds, on bookshelves or anywhere they may be hiding. Thanks!
From September 15 to October 15, Austin ISD joins the rest of the nation to observe National Hispanic Heritage Month—a celebration of the diverse cultures and riveting histories of the people in this country with ancestral roots in Spain, Mexico, and Central and South America. This year, we are celebrating through a virtual “Proud to be Hispanic” talent show. AISD students are invited to showcase their talents by submitting photos or videos of how they celebrate their Hispanic culture at home. Families are welcome to participate in the submissions. Please click on the following flyers to learn more about submitting your talents!
Chromebooks and iPads are available at the Travis Heights Elementary Campus. You or your teacher MUST have requested technology through the AISD portal/ Technology Distribution Tile in order to receive. Hotspots are assigned through the district and you will be contacted when they are ready.
Device pickups are Monday through Friday from 3 – 4pm.
Please bring your Student ID for a Chromebook or your student’s QR code for an iPad. If you are having trouble, please contact your child’s teacher for additional support.
If your device is damaged or has hardware issues you can bring it to the school Monday – Friday, 3:00pm – 4:00pm. You must bring your child’s S#, name, and description of the issue. If you are having a software/login issue please call the parent support desk at 512-414-9187.
How to Register for Technology
Families can still request technology in the Parent Cloud. After logging in to my.austinisd.org — search for Technology Distribution and the link for the form will appear. Once complete you may pick up your device(s) from the school. You first must be registered with a Parent Cloud account, my.austinisd.org also has a link and instructions in both English and Spanish for doing that. If you are having trouble, families can also request technology by calling Travis Heights at 512-414-4495 or by contacting your child’s teacher.
All Austin ISD students will receive free school meals through December 2020.
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) recently announced an extension of current school meal programs through December 31. This extension allows Austin ISD to continue to provide free meals for any child under 19, or those over the age of 19 who are utilizing special education resources or currently enrolled in school to complete the requirements for a high school diploma from curbside meal sites.
For students participating in remote, off-campus learning, both breakfast and lunch will be offered Monday through Friday from 10:30am to 12:30pm at more than 40 curbside locations throughout Austin. Austin ISD will serve free breakfast and lunch in the classroom for on-campus learners. Curbside meal sites and more information can be found HERE!
AISD will continue to provide free, local Farm Fresh Boxes from The Common Market Texas through October 7 at specific AISD curbside meal sites. The boxes feature locally grown produce, such as peppers, melons, squash, carrots, and other seasonal staples. The Common Market Texas, a mission-driven distributor of sustainable, local farm foods prepares and delivers the produce boxes to AISD. The produce boxes will be available at each curbside meal site one time through October 7th until they run out each day. Distribution will take place from 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m as follows. More info HERE!
- Wednesday, September 30: Akins Early College High School, Casey Elementary, Covington Middle School, Kiker Elementary, Kocurek Elementary, Paredes Middle School
- Wednesday, October 7: Blazier Elementary, Langford Elementary, Perez Elementary, Pleasant Hill Elementary, Rodriguez Elementary, Uphaus Early Childhood Center, Widen Elementary
Austin ISD is happy to announce the launch of its mobile app—a new way to stay connected. The app will allow all AISD students, staff, and families to receive notifications from the district and campuses for which they wish to subscribe. Other helpful tools include a COVID-19 self-screening for users to complete before coming into contact with others or before leaving home for work or school.
The app allows for quick access to:
- see the calendar for the current school year,
- links to
- Parent Cloud
- Parent Self Serve
- WheresTheBus
- School Café,
- the School Directory, and
- the latest news.
Locate the free Austin ISD Mobile App in the digital store for your mobile device by searching for Austin ISD. For questions concerning the new app, call 512–414–9187