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October Principal’s News

October is Parent conferences month!

The term “parents as partners” is not just a phrase; we believe parents and educators must work together to get a better understanding of one another.  Parental involvement is a key element in a child’s success in school.

In order for there to be a strong partnership, it is important for parents and teachers to understand the learning expectations for each grade. Through this discussion, parents and teachers find common ground.  It’s also important for students to share their goals for learning for the year. October 14th is a student holiday, and the day when we hold these conferences.  Please schedule a time with your classroom teacher on or before that day.  Some assessments have been completed for each student and those will be shared during the conference as well as learning goals.

Fall Carnival
Our annual Fall Carnival is Friday, October 18th.  This event is lots of fun for our students and their families. There will be food, carnival games, a bouncy house, and many other fun activities.  Costumes are welcomed and encouraged! The fun happens from 5 pm-8 pm – don’t miss it! Volunteers and donations are needed – please review school website to learn how you can help out!


A place for parents to help teachers with copies, printing as well as accessing email for their own personal use to read the Wednesday folder, as we are a paperless campus. The Welcome Center will have coffee for anyone that would like to have a cup.

Super-charge! Your child’s reading & math skills by putting home screen time to good use with our Blended Learning programs available through the AISD portal.

Meet Martha Sanchez, Refugee/DL/ESL Specialist
My name is Martha Sanchez and I am the Refugee/DL/ESL Specialist at THES. I work with newcomer students and their families to see themselves as integral members of our community.  In Dual Language and ESL instruction, I collaborate with teachers to build instructional strategies that meet the needs of our diverse learners. The best advice I give parents is to build a daily reading routine. Reading in any language WORKS! Share folktales, fairytales and cuentos from your childhood with your child. They will learn about characters, settings, problems and solutions from written and oral stories. Ask children questions about their day.  What did they learn or do in school? What connections did they make? Ask that they respond with full sentences rather than one word responses.

It’s been a great start to the school year. School begins at 7:40 AM. In our first six-weeks we averaged 95.65% daily attendance! While a good start, that equaled 377 absences or a cost of $16,965.00. We love to see you!  Every Day Counts! 

FEED THE LOVE Food Pantry-
Will be available YEAR round for those families that need a little extra something to hold them over for the month.

Come to the Welcoming Center at the front of the school.


Download the Principal’s October Newsletter here (Click on the Picture):


