Welcome back, Thunderbirds!
It’s great to see everyone’s smiling faces in the hallways again 🙂 We are looking forward to a fun-filled year with lots of learning and building our Thunderbird community! Don’t forget that Labor Day is around the corner, so there will be no school on September 2nd.
Your child will be coming home with some important beginning-of-the-year paperwork. Please read through this information carefully and return the items that require a signature to your child’s teacher ASAP.
The Parent Handbook has tons of great information in making this year a success such as Arrival & Dismissal, Breakfast in Class (BIC), After School Care, Visitors, Volunteers, Birthdays and more! READ HERE
THES Climate & Culture Plan outlines expectations for student behavior, dress code, and positive support systems here. This must be signed by a parent and returned to the school. DOWNLOAD HERE to print, sign, and return. There will also be an opportunity to sign it at Back to School Night.
Attached to this newsletter (see E-folder button below) you will also find a PDF that includes:
- Welcome Letter from Principal Navarro
- School Safety Note
- Human Sexuality & Responsibility Curriculum
- Asbestos Management Plan
In an effort to reduce, reuse, recycle, THES delivers a Weekly Electronic Newsletter (E-folder) to your email inbox! You will be the first to know about important details to help make every school day a success for your child! If you are reading this you are already on the right track 🙂 Please encourage other parents to sign up for the E-folder online (bottom right of every page on the website). We will no longer offer weekly paper communications folders.
ClassDojo is a fun and free app that THES teachers and staff use to communicate with Thunderbird parents. Not only will you receive campus-wide news and reminders, but you will be able to communicate directly with your child’s teachers. Please download the app to your phone and create an account. If you need assistance please speak with your teacher or stop by the office.
Please bookmark the THES Calendar so you can stay on top of all of our important events like Assemblies, Picture Days, School Holidays, Coffee Chats, PTA Meetings, Teacher Planning days and SO MUCH MORE!
ALSO, Please like Travis Heights Elementary on Facebook!
THES breakfasts and lunches are both FREE for students this year! However, you can still use the handy dandy School Café app to upload funds to your child’s account for extras like snacks and such, and also and see daily nutrition information and what’s on the menu! DOWNLOAD HERE
School Cash Online makes it easy for parents to pay online for field trips and other school items. Currently, only annual field trip fees for each grade level are set up, with more items coming throughout the year. Follow the steps below to get started:
- Have your child’s Student ID number ready. You can obtain this from your child’s teacher or the front office (must be in person for security reasons).
- Go to schoolcashonline.com and click on “Get Started Today” to create a new account.
- Take a few minutes to register and add your child. You only have to do this once per child. This account is good until your child graduates from an AISD high school!
- Review and purchase your child’s back to school items using direct online payment.
Parents may eat lunch with their child on Wednesdays and Fridays, starting Wednesday, September 11th. We want students to establish routines and get used to our procedures before we have parents come and join them for lunchtimes. Please note that we do not make exceptions for birthdays or any other reason.
Pick Up + Drop Off / Parking + Traffic
Parking is not allowed in front of the school between 7–8am and 2–3:15pm. Please do not park in the parking lots, as these are reserved for faculty and staff. Additionally, do not drive down Rosedale Terrace as it creates dangerous traffic situations. We also encourage parents to not block or park in front of the neighbor’s driveways to avoid backing up traffic. Parents dropping off students should pull up to the curb and let children out. Parents picking up children after school by car are required to get in the car line on the north end of the campus by Wildman Woods. Those attempting to park there will be asked to move. THES and AISD are not responsible for towed vehicles.
SAVE THE DATES (more info to follow)
- Volunteer Orientations: 9/5, 9/10, 9/24
- Upper-Grade Assembly: 9/6
- Lower-Grade Assembly: 9/13
- Back to School Night: 9/12
This week’s folder items:
Required Forms + Parent Handbook
School cash online
Let’s Communicate!
Upload to your child’s School Café account.
School Holiday-Labor Day
Helpful Hints!
Pick up + Drop Off + Traffic
Back-to-School Night
Parent Student Lunches
Upcoming Events
Sep 16
PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 1
Time: 12:00 pm-12:30 pm
Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year!
Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link.
p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions
Sep 17
Home Slice Pizza Profit Share Day
Time: 11:00 am-11:00 pm
Location: Home Slice Pizza, 1415 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, USA
Get Home Slice pizza today and support our school!
The profit share applies all day and includes dine in, take out, and 3rd party deliveries.
Sep 18
PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 2
Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am
Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year!
Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link.
p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions
Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.
To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.
Thank you!