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We are practicing Volleyball Skills for our P.E. skills, and learning about Stress Management/Stress Relief for our Health concept. This week is Healthy School Breakfast Week. LAST Saturday, March 2, our Thunderbird 5th grade Volleyball team participated in the AAPER/Explore UT Volleyball Playday, and they represented our school very well!!! After Spring Break we will begin Spring Fitnessgram testing, and practice Soccer skills. Our Health topic will be Health-Related Fitness components. Of course, Marathon Kids and CATCH are ongoing.


  • Fifth grade just finished grid portraits for Black History Month and is starting  onclay guitars.
  • Fourth grade is finishing koi fish.
  • Third grade is finishing colorful villages.
  • Second grade is working on Indian Festival elephants.
  • First grade is working on Faith Ringgold tar beach quilts.
  • Kinder is working on freedom quilts.


This week in the library, classes will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday by enjoying a Dr. Seuss book or retro video. As you may already know, Theodore Seuss Geisel had a gift for guiding children through controversial social and political viewpoints within his stories.  The Sneetches explores equal rights, The Great Butter Battle hints at the absurdity of war, while Gerald McBoing Boing reminds us to love and accept our differences. If you haven’t yet visited with your child, please do!  Let’s celebrate Seuss together!

Up until Spring Break, classes will be previewing book fair promos and having book talks and read-alouds about books that will be available at the Scholastic Book Fair the week AFTER Spring Break!


  • Kindergarten and 1st are preparing for their big performance on April 18.  Mark your calendars!
  • 2nd grade is practicing their music skills on the “Orff” instruments, also known as xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels.  In addition, they are beginning a unit on instruments of the symphony orchestra.
  • 3rd grade is continuing Music Memory.  They have also started learning the recorder.  They need to bring $5.00 to buy one if they haven’t already.
  • 4th and 5th grade did a great job at their recorder concert last month.  They will continue learning more songs on the recorder.  They are also continuing Music Memory.  Soon they will start learning guitar.