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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – May 2, 2018

Wednesday Folder – May 2, 2018

Happy Wednesday Thunderbirds!!

It’s a busy time of year, but hang with us… there’s lots of good info in here! And don’t forget to read the Principal’s Newsletter in the attachments.

T-Bird Fiesta!!

Can you taste summer – just a few weeks away? Join us at Guero’s next Tuesday to celebrate our kids completing another year of school and to and raise money for future Thunderbird 5th graders to attend Camp Champions Outdoor School. This community-building, educational, and crazy-fun two day, one night trip is the highlight of the year for our Thunderbirds and something they look forward to for years. But it can be quite cost prohibitive for our students.

Consider becoming a Camp Champions Champion and sponsor a child to go on the trip (or donating at the door)!

Event: Tuesday – May 8th – 5: 30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Where: Guero’s Taco Bar Garden – South Congress (2 Hours Free Parking in garage behind Guero’s-validate ticket at the event)
What: Thunderbird Families, Kids + Neighbors (performances by kids + friends)
Why: Raise scholarship money for fifth graders who could not otherwise afford to attend Camp Champions, an Outdoor School and overnight experiential learning experience.

10% of all sales in the Live Oak Garden go to THES Camp Champions Fund!

Be a Champion – Sponsor a Student!

Thunderbird Champion Scholarship Sponsor Benefits Include:

  • Lots of Recognition by Kids, Faculty and Families @ the Event (or you can donate anonymously)
  • 2 House Drinks (You can share with teachers or friends! Pick up at Gueros)
  • 4 Free Tacos (You can share with teachers or friends! Pick up at Gueros)
  • Warm fuzzy feeling knowing you made it possible for a kid to have a once in a lifetime experience at camp!

GO TO: Click here to Donate Now AND click “Camp Champions” on your donation or add Champion in the comments section. You can also pay via Square at Guero’s at the door.

Potluck and Student Talent Show to Celebrate Ms. Robertson!

When: Saturday, May 12th from 3-6pm. Talent Show 4-5:30pm
Where: At the track and on the playpad!
What: Pizza, Drinks, Student Talent Show, Games, and a chance to say Thank you!
Please Bring: Food or drinks to share, your family, Blankets to sit on, Games

The PTA is collecting money for a gift of an outdoor learning space in Ms. Robertson’s honor. Click here to contribute (choose donation in honor of Ms. Robertson) or you can give at the May 12th event.

Questions or want to help organize? Please contact Eliza Platts-Mills at ptapresident @

Have you Appreciated your Teacher?

All week long there have been daily shows of appreciation for your special teacher. Here are the items for Thursday and Friday.

Thursday (5/3): Today we celebrate all the other teachers and staff that enrich our experience at THES! Give a big thanks, card or treat to our specials teachers (art, PE, music, media), teachers aides, reading specialists, special education/resource, counselor, administrators, librarian, speech, language, parent specialist…if someone has made a difference for you and your child, be sure to let them know!

Friday (5/4): Bring one flower (garden, wild, store bought, drawn on paper) to school on Friday to create a classroom bouquet for your teacher.

Book Fair!

Tonight is Family Night and the Book Fair will be open until 6pm! Kona Ice will be here after school too! Book Fair is also open 8-3 on Thursday and 8-11 on Friday. Remember-Books make great Teacher Appreciation gifts!

Pre-k – 2nd Grade Family Fun & Fitness!

Join us for this family fun field day event on May 18th 8-11 a.m.!

Please send the following items to school on May 18:
Pre-K: Pickles
Kinder: Bananas
1st Grade: Oranges
2nd Grade: Apples

Volunteers are needed!- lf you would like to volunteer, please contact Ms. Collins (512-414-3399, linda.l.collins @ or sign up on the here.

Kerbey Lane success!

Thank you to everyone who came out to Kerbey Lane last month for our THES fundraiser. Together we raised $1,360 for our school! Wow, that’s a lot of queso and pancakes!

A great big Appreciation Pump! …💪‼ 💪‼ 💪‼ to Kerbey Lane for the donation and to Natalee Thornburgh for organizing.

Y’all Rock!!

Mark Your Calendar!- Spring Awards Assemblies

May 29
3rd Grade – 9am
1st Grade – 10am
Kindergarten – 11am

May 30
2nd Grade- 8am
4th Grade- 9am
5th Grade Continuation – 1pm


Our school has some amazing enrichment activities and events. But they only happen through the work of dedicated parent volunteers. Please consider sharing your time to help keep these events alive for future generations of Thunderbirds!
The following parent leaders are needed for next year:

Carnival Co-Coordinator
A THES tradition since the 1950s, Fall Carnival is a night filled with games, food, and fun- all while raising money to support our school! Help us keep this awesome tradition alive by volunteering as Carnival Co-Coordinator. Duties include supervising teams of volunteers to organize games/booths, provide publicity, recruit volunteers, solicit donations and arrange for logistics at the event. We have one co-coordinator identified but need to find another to make next year’s Carnival happen!
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week in Sept/Oct, (more the week of the event).

Young Writer’s Workshop Assistant
Our current Coordinator is amazing, but she’s looking for someone who can help with the lower grade presentation, presenter gifts and thank you notes. She’s got contacts and systems already in place for these tasks,and just needs someone to stay on top of them.
Time Commitment: 1 hour/week in weeks prior to the event & assistance at the event.

ROCK Store Leader
The ROCK store allows students to trade in their hard earned ROCK tickets (given for positive behavior) for prizes. The ROCK store leader will order prizes and organize volunteers to run the ROCK store each month.
Time Commitment: varies depending on number of volunteers helping. Approximately 3-4 hours 1-2 Fridays a month.

Tamalada Coordinator/Co-Coordinator
The Tamalada is a beloved THES tradition and a celebration of our community’s diversity. The Coordinator(s) are responsible for working with volunteers to solicit donations, organize volunteers, and handle logistics. Please consider lending your talents to make this community-building event a success!
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week in Oct/Nov (more the week of the event).

To volunteer, please contact: volunteers @
Check out for additional needs.

Creative Action Registration

Open enrollment for 2018-1029 Creative Action after school care begins on May 7th at noon and continues until filled. Should a campus become full, families are encouraged to sign up for the waitlist in the instance a slot opens up. For more information or to Sign up —

For other THES after school options, check out our website:

Did you Know…

We have a new video showing how awesome our school is?


Week of 4/30- Teacher Appreciation Week & Bookfair!
5/4- Upper Grade Assembly
5/8 – End of Year Party & Camp Champions Fundraiser at Gueros
5/11- Lower Grade Assembly
5/12 – Retirement Potluck & Talent Show! 3-6pm
5/14-5/16- STAAR Testing – No VIsitors on Campus!
5/18- Family Fun & Fitness Day (PK-2nd)
5/28- No School- Memorial Day
5/29-5/30- Awards Assemblies
5/30- Last Day!

This week’s folder items:


Spring Awards Assembly
T-Bird Fiesta
Family Fun & Fitness
Celebration for Ms. Robertson
Principal’s Newsletter
Mad Scientist Camp
Women’s Resource Fair

Read the efolder for 5-02-18

Upcoming Events

  • Sep 16
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 1

    Time: 12:00 pm-12:30 pm


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

  • Sep 17
    Home Slice Pizza Profit Share Day

    Time: 11:00 am-11:00 pm

    Location: Home Slice Pizza, 1415 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, USA


    Get Home Slice pizza today and support our school! 

    The profit share applies all day and includes dine in, take out, and 3rd party deliveries.

  • Sep 18
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 2

    Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign, and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
