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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – August 24, 2016

Wednesday Folder – August 24, 2016


Welcome Back Thunderbirds!!

I hope y’all are settling in and getting all your routines in place! Man, I forgot how early those mornings are!

Lots and lots of stuff coming at you today, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the email to see the links to all the fliers and refresh yourself on the ins and outs of THES –
including the monthly newsletter from Ms. Robertson & Ms. Turner.

Or if you are new this year – Welcome to THES!! We hope you love it here! There are many ways to get information about events and news at THES. Here is a quick rundown:

THES Google Calendar: You can subscribe to it and always have the most updated info in your google calendar.

Wednesday Folder: There are paper and online versions. The paper version comes home on Wednesdays (we always need help Wednesday mornings in the cafeteria getting these ready.) You can also subscribe to get the online version which is delivered to your inbox every Wednesday (Sign up with the form, in the footer, at the bottom of this page). The online version sometimes contains more updated info than the paper folder – due to the ease with which online pages can be updated.

You can chose to opt out of the paper folder by checking the box on the front of your paper folder. HOWEVER sometimes there is grade level or classroom specific information that goes home in those folders these items will not be in the online efolder. So always be sure to check the paper folder too!

Facebook: Like us to see lots of fun posts about Thunderbirds

Twitter: Ms. Robertson is a master tweeter.

Bookmark the THES website too – a big update is coming to the site this year.

Save the Dates!

9/5: No School!
9/8: Back to School Night
9/17: Fall Beautification Day
10/21: Fall Carnival!

More details to come!

Thunderbirds Need You!

Ready to get involved? We would love to have you! All volunteers who wish to work in the classroom/help in the school and/or attend field trips are required to attend volunteer training every two years. See the attached flyer for this year’s training dates.

The new 2016/17 Thunderbird gear is in!

Get yours this Friday, August 26th or next Friday, Sept 2nd before or during morning assembly.

The Shirts are available in the following sizes:
2T and 4T, Youth XS-L: $5.00,
Ladies S-L: $10.00
Men’s M-XL: $10.00
New this year: Trucker hats!
Hats: $15.00

Shop early while supplies last!

Friday Assemblies

For all our new and returning T-Bird families, Friday (8/26) is our first Upper Grade Assembly (3rd-5th Graders). Next Friday will be Lower Grade Assembly (Kinder-2nd Grade). That means you drop your child off in the gym on your respective assembly morning (i.e., drop off in gym by 7:45). Parents are always welcome and encouraged to join us for assembly – it’s a lot of fun!

You’ll hear the Thunderband rally the children with THES spirit and the school song will be played along with grade level competitions for the Spirit Award. Future assemblies include student awards for ROCKin’ behavior (Responsible, Organized, Considerate/Kind, Knowledgable) and various performances/presentations (mini unless otherwise announced in advance).
*Note: Upper/lower grades alternate for Friday assembly (see calendar online at
**PreK joins Lower Grade assembly in January…and 2nd moves up to Upper Grade assembly come January.

Lunches start September 14th!

Did you know that you can have lunch with your child every Wednesday and Friday? It’s true and has been a respected tradition at THES for a few years now. However we need a couple of weeks to get routines established in the cafeteria, so the start day for having lunch with your child will be September 14th!

Oh – and remember back to June and the last Wednesday folder of the school year – where I gave my fond farewell and retired from Wednesday efolder duty… well, I’m back! My retirement only lasted the summer… me and Michael Phelps, we just can’t retire. 😉

Looking forward to another fabulous year with you all! As always, got any tips, ideas, news, or notice any really egregious errors that need to be edited immediately… shoot me an email at communications @ travisheightselementary . com

This week’s folder items:


Meal Program

Asbestos Notification

AISD Lunch Menu

THES Newsletter

Thunderbird T-shirts On Sale

Volunteer Training Dates

Upcoming Events

  • Sep 16
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 1

    Time: 12:00 pm-12:30 pm


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

  • Sep 17
    Home Slice Pizza Profit Share Day

    Time: 11:00 am-11:00 pm

    Location: Home Slice Pizza, 1415 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, USA


    Get Home Slice pizza today and support our school! 

    The profit share applies all day and includes dine in, take out, and 3rd party deliveries.

  • Sep 18
    PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 2

    Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am


    Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year! 

    Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link

    p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
