Happy Wednesday Thunderbirds!
The Book Fair is in full swing! We hope to see you this Thursday for Family Night until 6:30—books, snow cones, and lots of fun. Proceeds from the Book Fair and Kona Ice sales help Ms. Underwood buy new books for the library!
Upper-Grade Assembly (2nd-5th Grade)
Friday, April 5th
Please drop your child off in the gym by 7:35. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to join us for assembly – it’s a lot of fun! You’ll hear the Thunderband rally the children with THES spirit and grade level competitions for the Spirit Award. Assemblies also include birthday acknowledgment and student awards for ROCKin’ behavior (Responsible, Organized, Considerate/Kind, Knowledgable) as well as various performances/presentations. Fridays are our day to show school spirit by wearing a school shirt or Thunderbird colors (red & white).
STAAR Testing
April 9th – 11th
Due to STAAR testing for 4th & 5th grades, visitors will not be allowed on campus Tuesday, April 9th through Thursday, April 11th in order to create a quiet testing environment. This means you will not be able to eat lunch with your child on Wednesday, April 10th. Please do not call 4th & 5th-grade classrooms directly; you may send a Dojo message, email your child’s teacher, or relay your message to the office to be delivered when testing is completed. We appreciate your cooperation and support!
General PTA Meeting + Kinder & 1st Grade Performance
April 18th, THES GYM
This is our most important meeting of the year. All are welcome! We will be voting on next year’s budget and electing officers. The meeting begins at 6pm. Interested in joining the PTA board for next year? Contact Gretchen Otto, ptapresident@travisheightselementary.com
After the meeting, we will enjoy a very “POSITIVE” performance by our Kindergarteners and 1st Graders. Please drop your children off by 5:45. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. King, brittany.king@austinaisd.org.
April 19th
Please mark your calendar for our Staff Development Day as there will be no school.
Spanish Camp
June 3rd – 14th, 9am–2pm
Join us for Full immersion Spanish Camp through Project Based learning: Nature and Nurture!
Our curriculum is designed to maintain children’s interest in Spanish by engaging them in creative and enjoyable activities through a Project Base Learning Nature unit. The daily Spanish lessons are designed to practice speaking, listening, reading and writing. New vocabulary/phrases are reinforced throughout the day’s activities on and off campus. *Rising K-5, $375 per student for both weeks. Please find an enrollment form in your Wednesday folder, or pick one up in the office.
If you would like to opt out of paper fliers, please be sure to check the box on the front of our child’s Wednesday folder. Please help us reduce waste and save money!
This week’s folder items:
STAAR Testing – No Parent Lunch
THES Art Summer Camp
THES Newsletter
Kinder & First Performance
PTA Meeting
Camp Cyan
Upcoming Events
Sep 16
PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 1
Time: 12:00 pm-12:30 pm
Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year!
Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link.
p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions
Sep 17
Home Slice Pizza Profit Share Day
Time: 11:00 am-11:00 pm
Location: Home Slice Pizza, 1415 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704, USA
Get Home Slice pizza today and support our school!
The profit share applies all day and includes dine in, take out, and 3rd party deliveries.
Sep 18
PTA Meeting - Virtual Session Option 2
Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am
Learn more about the PTA and how you can get involved this year!
Add the Google Meet invite to your calendar using this link.
p.s. the same content will be covered in both sessions
Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.
To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.
While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign, and return it on Thursday.
Thank you!