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Travis Heights Elementary School PTA > PTA > Wednesday Folder – August 29, 2018

Wednesday Folder – August 29, 2018

Greetings Thunderbirds!

Week one down! It has been awesome seeing the halls filled with happy student faces and eager energy. We hope everyone has had an easy transition back to school. Don’t forget that next week is a short week —NO SCHOOL MONDAY— in honor of Labor Day!

Join us for Back to School night!

Thursday, September 6, 2018 from 5–8pm (PK 4:30–5:15pm)
We will kick off the evening at 5pm with a Pizza Party in the cafeteria! Please bring a side to share with your fellow Thunderbirds. We also need VOLUNTEERS to help serve food + clean up. Please sign up online now

The evening will follow with a tour of special classrooms, meet the administration/teachers/PTA board in the gym, and then visits to your child’s classroom. Please read the flyer below for a full schedule of the evening’s activities.

Childcare will be provided for school–aged children from 5:45–8:00pm. Younger siblings may accompany parents as needed.

Also, don’t forget to pick up your Thunderbird gear! The merchandise table will be set up at the school’s main entrance from 5–6pm. More info such as sizes and prices are in the efolder flier at the bottom of the post.

First Assemblies of the Year

Our Friday assemblies are a fun way for our students to celebrate Thunderbird pride. Upper Grades (3rd–5th) is on the first Friday of the month and Lower Grades (K–2nd) are on the second Friday of the month. In the spring semester, 2nd grade moves up to Upper Grade Assemblies and PK joins Lower Grade Assemblies. Parents are welcome to join! Meet in the gym at 7:35.

  • Friday, September 7: 3rd–5th graders
  • Friday, September 14: K–2nd graders

Don’t forget to show your school pride by wearing your Thunderbird t-shirt! You can purchase one before assembly starting at 7:15 inside the school’s main entrance.

Announcing the Staycation Raffle Winner

The PTA staycation raffle fundraiser was a huge success—we were able to raise more than $2500 for school supplies!

The winner of the raffle so graciously donated their prize to Ms. Johnson, a THES 2nd-grade teacher! She will enjoy a one–night staycation at the South Congress Hotel + a gift certificate to Central Standard Bar & Grill.

Many thanks to everyone who bought tickets and helped support our community! A special thank you to South Congress Hotel, Central Standard, and New Waterloo for their generous donations.

Reminders about SECURITY and SAFETY

During arrival and dismissal, please remember to drive slowly and obey traffic signs. Do not drive down Rosedale Terrace or up Algarita Drive — this will help minimize accidents and interruptions to traffic flow. Parking is not allowed in front of the school between 7–8am and 2–3:15pm.

Additionally, all visitors to campus must sign in and out at the office. If you are in the building without a visitor badge, you will be sent to the office. An ID is required to get a visitor badge. We appreciate your help in keeping our school a safe place to learn!

Read other helpful reminders in the efolder flier at the bottom of the post.

Running Club

Austin Youth Fitness Running Club is back for the Fall 2018! Come check them out for a fun day of running and games TODAY, August 29th from 3:15-4:15. Meet Mrs. Nuncio and Mrs. Alvarez-Sims at the play–pad after school. Bring running shoes and plenty of water! You can register online now for the fall sessions
Official classes begin September 5th

Stay Connected

Help make every school day a success for your child by staying connected with the child’s teacher and administration office. If you have not downloaded Class Dojo, please do so. It is so user friendly—you can download the app right to your phone. Set up directions are in the efolder pdf.

There are many ways to find out important details about your child’s THES experience. You are on the right track by being signed up for our e-folder, but here are other ways to stay connected:

THES Calendar
THES Facebook Page

Volunteer Opportunities

Parents, we need your help stuffing Wednesday Folders! If you could spare some time right after drop off on any Wednesday that would be amazing—please stop by the cafeteria. The more the merrier and the faster we can get it done! Arrive when you can and stay for as long as you are able.

Helpful Hints

*Parent + student lunches start on September 12th. Parents may eat with their child on Wednesdays and Fridays.

*The THES calendar is different than the AISD calendar, so please be sure to check our calendar (and subscribe) online to be in the know about special teacher planning days (days off for the students).

If you would like to opt out of paper fliers, please be sure to check the box on the front of our child’s Wednesday folder. Please help us reduce waste and save money!

This week’s folder items:


Back to School Night
Buy Your Thunderbird Gear
Running Club

Read the efolder for 8-29-18

Upcoming Events

Nothing from July 27, 2024 to August 10, 2024.

Do you have information or an event to submit to THES’s Wednesday Folder? Please visit our Folder FAQ page for submission requirements and guidelines.

To subscribe to Wednesday eFolders and have the eFolder delivered to your inbox, please use the subscribe form in the footer of the website.

While our goal is to move most communications to digital methods some documents need to be delivered in hard copies so please continue to check your paper Wednesday Folder every week, sign, and return it on Thursday.

Thank you!
