“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” –Margaret Mead
The “motto” at the front of our school is a change that occurred in our 75th year celebration. Prior to that event, teachers, parents, and administrators discussed what our school purpose was. We want children to learn but also to “own their learning”. We see this is the social contracts developed in each class to “agree” on the behaviors needed by students and teachers to learn. You also see this in our learning targets, what are we going to learn today, and in our individual learning goals. Students in 2nd-5th use these to monitor their growth and learning in discussions with their teacher. In this way our students know they hold a lead in their own learning.
The second word in our “motto” is serve. As members of a community, we all have a role in helping serve and support that community. Our Kinder students begin this through their care for the THES “flock”. Each Kindergarten class has a day to feed and care for the “girls”. It’s a delightful sight and empowers our young T-birds to be citizens in the school community.
The final component is leadership! Some people think leadership is a skill you are born with and that leaders have a natural ability to make others follow them. It is true that some children have more skills naturally, but every child, with the right guidance, mindset, tools and knowledge can step up and be a leader. Leadership is a skill that can be developed. Our 4th and 5th grade student council members exemplify this statement. Each one has a strength that they have found to use as a leader in our Council. Communication is one skill they have all strengthened as they present and gather ideas from all the students in our school through their classroom visits. Monthly and sometimes, bi-weekly, our Student Council members present information to every classroom in our school from PK – 5th grade. In addition to sharing information, they gather ideas from the classroom communities. This year students gathered ideas on specific ways to improve our school. Soccer goals are one suggestion as is a new slide for our playscape. As our Student Council members act as “ambassadors” for school they are keeping our school community engaged as well as strengthening their leadership skills.