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Travis Heights Elementary School > ThunderNews Student Blog > Articles by: thebobblingpidgeon

Author Archive | thebobblingpidgeon

Esperanza Rising

Pam Muñoz Ryan published a book called Esperanza Rising. She published it in the year 2000, the book is actually 17 years old. Esperanza Rising is about a girl that is wealthy and she live in a ranch called El Rancho de las Rosas. Then something shocking happens to her dad then they become poor and move to California to get jobs. She was inspired by real events that happened. The book takes place in Mexico and U.S.A. 

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Learning About Business in 4th Grade

This was last month’s project on how to do business in the fourth grade classes. We learned what profit, loans, investing and finances.

This 4th grader is working on finances on the computer and was working with a partner on slides. Once they were done, the sharks from Shark Tank came to Travis Heights School

to see the 4th grade presentations.  The presentations were about products and services. We really enjoyed this project!

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Sham-Rock dance

We want to thank the 4th and 5th grade parents that helped organize the Shamrock Dance. Starting at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This is a booth stand where they were selling popcorn. There were popcorn stands, water stands and a cookie stand. This is Marco’s mom and Eduardo’s mom working on the popcorn stand and Roisin’s dad was working on the cookie stand.

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The class is working on historic people


I was learning about Barbara Jordan’s life: when she died, what year was she born, and what she did during her life. Then we started doing our drawing. The drawing was  about what she looked like and the setting. When I finished, I put the information on notes and hung them up on the wall.

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